Monday, June 29, 2015

Intrinsic Skill vs Stress

In League of Legends, there is a lot of intrinsic skill and stress involved. The intrinsic skill comes with your mechanical skill playing the Champion you chose, the role you chose, and other game mechanics such as landing skillshots, last hitting minions and controlling objectives. Every Champion has a different set of abilities, or skills, different stats, different animations, which affect how you time your actions, and different overall playstyles, all of which make the game very difficult to master. The game is stressful, because you have to not only fight against your opponents, but also successfully coordinate with your teammates, while simultaneously doing everything you can to get an advantage, like csing, poking the enemy, roaming, and watching for enemies coming to flank you through the jungle. The game is great because it scales with you; as you get better at the game, it gets harder and harder because you are matched against people that are around or above your skill level.

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